Znanstveno-stručni časopis
Hrvatskog društva za geometriju i grafiku

Scientific and Professional Journal
of the Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics


Original Scientific Papers
Ibrahim Günaltili: On the Projectively Extended Linear Spaces3
Ivanka Babić, Ana Sliepčević: Regular Polygons in the Projectively Extended Hyperbolic Plane7
Friedrich Manhart: Affine Geometry of Minkowski Minimal Surfaces in R1315
Radimir Viher: On the Multiple Roots of the 4th Degree Polynomial25

Professional Papers
Tatiana Olejníková: Cyclical Surfaces Created by a Conical Helix33
Hans Günther Kopetzky, Hans Sachs: Quadratic Cones and AutoCAD39
Daniela Velichová: Knotted Tori43
Željko Gjuranić: Terrain Modelling by Using Delaunay Triangulation49